Duration: 45 minutes
Time: 7am AWST | 9am AEST | 11am NZST
Institution: Te Herenga Waka Victoria | University of Wellington
Presenter: Rhonda Thomson, Pou Hāpai (Senior advisor) and Co-Project Manager the Living Pā.
We know that we need to make more conscious choices for the environment and for the legacy we’ll leave the next generation. Indigenous peoples around the world are searching for initiatives that can support us to be who we are meant to be on our everyday lives. Māori and non-Māori businesses are looking for holistic, science-based model to address the big challenges we are all confronting; the changing climate, depleting resources, injustices and inequities. In this webinar, Rhonda will talk about the redevelopment of the marae (Māori complex) at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington. As a values-based proposition the Living Pā, a learning and innovation hub, is designed to deliver environmental, people and business benefits, and hope.
Join us live for a short webinar followed by Q+A.