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With SDG 4.7 calling for all learners to acquire the knowledge and skills to promote sustainable development, the aim of this forum is to share how higher education institutions in our region are progressing towards putting this ambitious goal* into practice, and to inspire and support the sector to accelerate action.

Session 3: Practical approaches to integrating education for the SDGs into Higher Ed degrees and programs

This session will showcase examples of how Higher Ed institutions are integrating education for the SDGs, including ESD and “green skills”, into disciplinary programs and degrees, to ensure graduates and professionals have the knowledge and skills they need to help our region transition to a sustainable economy and society.

  • Michele John, Director, Sustainable Engineering Group, Curtin University – Integrating ESD into disciplinary degrees: International lessons and local reflections
  • Dr Allen Hill, Head of Department – Humanities, Ara Institute of Canterbury | Te Pūkenga – Exploring interdisciplinary sustainability core capabilities relevant to all degrees and professional development
  • Dr Simon Minaee, Lecturer (Management) & Vesna Sampson, Lecturer (Management / Entrepreneurship & Innovation), Murdoch Business School, Murdoch University – The ESD edge: Transforming entrepreneurship & innovation at Murdoch
  • Kate Mai, Senior Lecturer (Accounting) & Course Coordinator (Bachelor of Accounting), La Trobe Business School, La Trobe University – Integrating the SDGs and sustainability into the undergraduate Accounting degree

The Forum is part of the activities of the ACTS/SDSN AusNZPac Mainstreaming education for SDGs member support group, and builds on the three earlier regional forums on accelerating education for the SDGs in 2021 and 2022. Find out more at: https://ap-unsdsn.org/


April 1
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm AEDT
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